Yeti and The Fox & Lockdown

Lockdown has been a blessing in disguise for a lot us as we are working from home and spending more time with our families than ever before.  But, working from home had never been more of a blessing than when the pubs reopened and the ‘eat out to help out’ deal was in full swing. It meant that for all of us who worked from home or were furloughed could enjoy a few extra drinks than usual on a weeknight or going wild on a Sunday day drinking. We could just recover behind the laptop screen, head to toe in our sweats and an abundance of greasy food to our rescue.

But, now most of us are expected back in the office with business as usual, so the joys of weeknight drinking are over.  We won’t be able to get away with having that extra drink the night before as a hangover won’t go unnoticed by your boss. You have traded your peaceful bed back in for your desk in a loud and busy office.

This is where Yeti and the fox is critical to your life, to ensure you don’t miss out on these fun evenings and can still be as fresh as a daisy for work and all of those early meetings in the morning.  There has been no better occasion for a hangover supplement as there are no more screens to hide behind and wallow in self-pity in your own hungover state. We all need to be on our top form, and we can’t let a hangover get in the way.


Just take the first two capsules with some water before you start drinking, then the last capsule before you go to sleep that night. Then prepare to wake up as fresh as a daisy and have a great day back at work. There is no need for compromise with our scientifically proven hangover capsules, so you don’t have to go back to your pre-lockdown work life.

As the saying goes you get to have your cake and eat it too.

 Yeti & The Fox supports wellness after drinking alcohol.
